this keyword in Java

this keyword is used to refer the current object.

this keyword can be used for referencing

  • instance variables of objects.
  • instance methods of objects.

this keyword for instance variables

Instance variables can be referenced using this keyword.

Example 1

class ThisVariableTest{

int data;

void assign(int i){;

System.out.println("Value of 'data' variable is ";


public static void main(String args[]){

ThisVariableTest tvt=new ThisVariableTest();




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Value of 'data' variable is 5

To differentiate a instance variable from a local variable we can use this keyword.

Example 2

class ThisVariableTest2{

int data;

void assign(int data){;

System.out.println("Value of 'data' variable is ";


public static void main(String args[]){

ThisVariableTest2 tvt=new ThisVariableTest2();




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Value of 'data' variable is 5

this keyword for instance methods

Instance methods can be referenced using this keyword.

this keyword can be used to reference the method of current object.


class ThisMethodTest{

void assign(int i){



void square(int i){

System.out.println("Square of the value is "+i*i);


public static void main(String args[]){

ThisMethodTest tvt=new ThisMethodTest();




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Square of the value is 25

We can also use Class_name.this to refer the current object for a specific class. For example, we can use ThisMethodTest.this.assign(i) instead of this.assign(i) in the above program. This will be explained fully in inner classes.