Interface in Java

Interface is a blue-print of a class which consists of abstract methods.

It is similar to class and it is one of the mechanism of data abstraction.

General Syntax

interface interface-name{

//fields or methods


To implement or use a interface in a class

class class_name implements interface_name{

//fields or methods declaration



interface Vehicle{

void start();

void gearchange();

void stop();


class Bike implements Vehicle{

public void start(){

System.out.println("Bike is started");


public void gearchange(){

System.out.println("Gear is changed");


public void stop(){

System.out.println("Bike is stopped");


public static void main(String args[]){

Bike yamaha=new Bike();





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Bike is started

Vehicle is stopped

Methods inside the interface are abstract by default.

We cannot define the body or implementation of any method in a interface.


interface Vehicle{

void start(){

System.out.println("Bike is started");


void gearchange();

void stop();


class Bike implements Vehicle{

public void gearchange(){

System.out.println("Gear is changed");


public void stop(){

System.out.println("Bike is stopped");


public static void main(String args[]){

Bike yamaha=new Bike();





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error: interface abstract methods cannot have body

We must implement the abstract methods of a interface compulsarily in its implemented classes, if methods are not implemented in subclass compiler throws a error.


interface Vehicle{

void start();

void gearchange();

void stop();


class Bike implements Vehicle{

public static void main(String args[]){

Bike yamaha=new Bike();



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error: Bike is not abstract and does not override abstract method stop() in Vehicle

We can extend an interface with another interface, this is known as inheritance of interface.


interface Mammals{

void eat();


interface Human extends Mammals{

void talk();


class HumanMain implements Human{

public void eat(){

System.out.println("Can eat");


public void talk(){

System.out.println("Can talk");


public static void main(String args[]){

HumanMain hm=new HumanMain();;;



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Can eat

Can talk