static nested classes in Java

When a nested class is prefixed with static, it is said as static nested classes in java. static nested class is similar to the static methods or variables in a class which can be accessed directly without creating an object for outer class.

General Syntax

class Outer_class{

static class Inner_class {




We may access static class by calling directly using outer class name, but its members or methods may not be accessed directly.

We can access the inner class by


We may have to create objects to access non-static members or methods which are inside the static inner class.

To create a object for a static nested class

Outer_class.Inner_class inner=new Outer_class.Inner_class inner();

where Outer_class.Inner_class - references the inner class directly from outer class without creating an object for outer class.


class Plant{

static class Leaf{

void shakes(){

System.out.println("Leaf is shaking");



public static void main(String args[]){

Plant.Leaf l1=new Plant.Leaf();





Leaf is shaking

We don't need to create objects to access static members or methods which are inside the static inner class.


class Plant{

static class Leaf{

static void shakes(){

System.out.println("Leaf is shaking");



public static void main(String args[]){





Leaf is shaking