Replace substring or a character of String in Java

replace(char old,char new) and replace(String oldsubstr,String newstr) methods of String class can be used to replace a character or substring of String.

These methods return the final replaced string at the end.

Example 1

class StringTest{

public static void main(String args[]){

String fullstr="Goud";

char oldchar='u';

char newchar='o';

String newstr=fullstr.replace(oldchar,newchar);

System.out.println("Replaced string is "+newstr);



Output 1

Replaced string is Good

Example 2

class StringTest{

public static void main(String args[]){

String fullstr="Where are you ?";

String oldsubstr="are";

String newsubstr="were";

String newstr=fullstr.replace(oldsubstr,newsubstr);

System.out.println("Replaced string is "+newstr);



Output 2

Replaced string is Where were you ?