Method overriding in Java

Method overriding is re-writing the implementation of a existing method of a parent class in subclass.

It provides specific implementation of a method in subclass which is already defined in super class.


class Book{

void numberofpages(){

System.out.println("Book covers 250 pages.");



class Chapter extends Book{

void numberofpages(){

System.out.println("This Chapter covers 30 pages.");


public static void main(String args[]){

Chapter firstchap= new Chapter();




Try In Editor


This Chapter covers 30 pages.

Rules for overriding a method

  • Method name of subclass should be same as in superclass.
  • Number of parameters of the overridden method in subclass should be same as its method in superclass
  • datatype of the parameters of the overridden method in subclass should be same as its method in superclass.
  • This is applicable only when it follows parent-child relationship i.e inherited