Find the position or index of substring or character in a String Java

indexof(char a), indexOf(char a,int startfrom), indexOf(String a) and indexOf(String a,int startfrom) methods of String class can be used to find the first occurrence of the sub-string in a String.

lastIndexof(char a), lastIndexOf(char a,int startfrom), lastIndexOf(String a) and lastIndexOf(String 1,int startfrom) methods of String class can be used to find the last occurrence of the sub-string in a String.

The above methods returns the position if a substring is occurred in the given string and returns -1 if substring is not in the given string.

Example 1 ( indexOf(char a) )

indexOf(char a) is used to find the position of first occurrence of the character in the given String.

class StringTest{

public static void main(String args[]){

String str="Nice";

char a='c';

int position=str.indexOf(a);

System.out.println("Position of '"+a+"' in the String is "+position);



Output 1

Position of 'c' in the String is 2

Example 2 ( indexOf(char a,int startFrom) )

indexOf(char a,int startFrom) is used to find the position of first occurrence of the character after the startFrom position in the given String.

class StringTest{

public static void main(String args[]){

String str="Wonderful Wonderful";

char a='o';

int position=str.indexOf(a,3);

System.out.println("Position of '"+a+"' in the String is "+position);



Output 2

Position of 'o' in the String is 11

Example 3 ( indexOf(String a) )

indexOf(String a) is used to find the position of first occurrence of the substring in the given String.

class StringTest{

public static void main(String args[]){

String str="You are nice";

String substr="nice";

int position=str.indexOf(substr);

System.out.println("Position of '"+substr+"' in the String is "+position);



Output 3

Position of 'nice' in the String is 8

Example 4 ( indexOf(String a,int startFrom) )

indexOf(String a,int startFrom) is used to find the position of first occurrence of the substring after the startFrom position in the given String.

class StringTest{

public static void main(String args[]){

String str="My friend and your friend";

String substr="friend";

int startFrom=5;

int position=str.indexOf(substr,startFrom);

System.out.println("Position of '"+substr+"' in the String is "+position);



Output 4

Position of 'friend' in the String is 19

Example 5 ( lastIndexOf(char a) )

lastIndexOf(char a) is used to find the position of last occurrence of the character in the given String.

class StringTest{

public static void main(String args[]){

String str="Character";

char a='r';

int position=str.lastIndexOf(a);

System.out.println("Position of '"+a+"' in the String is "+position);



Output 5

Position of 'r' in the String is 8

Example 6 ( lastIndexOf(char a,int startFrom) )

lastIndexOf(char a,int startFrom) is used to find the position of last occurrence of the character searching backwards from startFrom position in the String.

class StringTest{

public static void main(String args[]){

String str="Character is superb";

char a='r';

int startFrom=5;

int position=str.lastIndexOf(a,startFrom);

System.out.println("Position of '"+a+"' in the String is "+position);



Output 6

Position of 'r' in the String is 3

Example 7 ( lastIndexOf(String a) )

lastIndexOf(String a) is used to find the position of last occurrence of the substring in the given String.

class StringTest{

public static void main(String args[]){

String str="Mm Mm";

String substr="Mm";

int position=str.lastIndexOf(substr);

System.out.println("Position of '"+substr+"' in the String is "+position);



Output 7

Position of 'Mm' in the String is 3

Example 8 ( lastIndexOf(String a,int startFrom) )

lastIndexOf(String a,int startFrom) is used to find the position of last occurrence of the substring searching backwards from startFrom position in the given String.

class StringTest{

public static void main(String args[]){

String str="Friend indeed is a friend in need";

String substr="in";

int startFrom=5;

int position=str.lastIndexOf(substr,startFrom);

System.out.println("Position of '"+substr+"' in the String is "+position);



Output 8

Position of 'in' in the String is -1